Tankman Sortie: 26.01.2025 - 13:25 Dead
Tankman: LG/SG2_Spielz
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Mission: fl_26_01_2025_16_10
Start Time: 13:25
End Time: 14:55
Duration of sortie: 1:29
Country: Germany

Crew status: Dead
Score: 176
Destroyed ground targets: 21
Destroyed aerial targets: 1
Tank: StuG III Ausf.G
Payload: 7,5 cm KwK 40 L/48 HE [54], MG 34 AP [600]
StuG III Ausf.G
Tank status: Destroyed
Tank damage: 42%
Detailed results
Destroyed ground targets 21
Airfield Objects 21
21 × 5
Total Aircraft 1
Attacker 1
1 × 600
Penalty: Dead
705 - 75% = 176
Fairplay Index 100%
Stats of weapons
Gunnery Accuracy
Number of shots
Number of bullets hit the target
* This block may contain incorrect information, this is due to the errors in the game log.